Fabio Menna


- 1999-2005: Degree in Navigation Sciences, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy

- 2005-2009: PhD, Geodetic and Topographic Sciences, DSA, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy

- 2009-2010: Laboratory of Topography and Photogrammetry, DSA, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy

- since 2011: 3DOM research unit, FBK Trento, Italy


+39 0461 314502

Research Areas:

- 3D Metrology

- 3D Surveying

- Photogrammetry

- Laser scanning

- Satellite positioning

- Inertial navigation

- 3D modeling

- Image processing

- Reverse Engineering

International Societies / Functions:

- 2016-2020: Chair of ISPRS WG II/9: Underwater Data Acquisition and Processing

- 2012-2016: ISPRS Technical Commission V Secretary


- CIPA Best Paper Award for the article " Accuracy and block deformation analysis in automatic UAV and terrestrial photogrammetry - Lesson learnt", 24th Intern. CIPA Symposium, 2–6 Sept. 2013, Strasbourg, France

- VSMM Best Paper Award for the article “GNSS/INS aided precise re-photographing”, 18th IEEE Intern. Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM), Milan, Italy, September 2012

- ISPRS Best Poster Award for the article “Multi-temporal analysis of landscapes and urban areas”, XXII ISPRS Congress, Melbourne, Australia, August 2012

- 3D-ARCH Best Paper Award for the article "Reverse engineering and 3D modeling for digital documentation of maritime heritage". International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2011: "Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures", 2-5 March 2011, Trento, Italy

- VSMM Best Paper Award for the article "A multi-resolution methodology for archaeological survey: the Pompeii Forum", 14th Int. Conference on Virtual Systems and MulitMedia (VSMM), Limassol, Cyprus, October 2008

Organized Scientific Events:


- 2nd Internatonal Workshop "Underwater 3D Recording and Modeling", 2-3 May 2019, Limassol, Cyprus


- Special session on "3D imaging for underwater cultural heritage" within METROARCHAEO 2017, 23-25 October 2017, Lecce, Italy


- ISPRS/CIPA WORKSHOP, Underwater 3D Recording and Modeling, 16-17 April 2015, Piano di Sorrento, Italy


- ISPRS Technical Commision V Symposium, 23-25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

Editors of conference proceedings:


- D. Skarlatos, P. Agrafiotis, E. Nocerino, F. Menna, F. Bruno, and M. Vlachos 2019: Recording and Modelling “A Tool for Modern Applications and CH Recording”, Volume XLII-2/W10.  2nd International Workshop ISPRS/CIPA workshop UNDERWATER 3D RECORDING & MODELING


- Menna, F., Nocerino, E., Del Pizzo, S., Bruno, F., Remondino, F., 2015: International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W5. ISPRS/CIPA "Underwater 3D Recording and Modeling" workshop, 16-17 April 2015, Piano di Sorrento, Italy


- Remondino, F., Menna, F., 2014: International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XL-5. ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23–25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

- Remondino, F., Menna, F., 2014: International Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. II-5. ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, 23–25 June 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy

International Journals - Special issues:


- MDPI Remote Sensing Journal - Special Issue "Underwater 3D Recording & Modelling" , 2020 - guest editor

- MDPI Sensors Journal - Special issue "Sensors and Techniques for 3D Object Modeling in Underwater Environments", 2015 - guest editor

Organized Summerschools and Tutorials:


- 5th CIPA summer school "3D surveying and modeling in cultural heritage", 15-21 July 2018, Zadar, Croatia2015


- 4th CIPA 2017 Summer School, July 2017, Pafos, Cyprus


- SAPR per applicazioni fotogrammetriche e di telerilevamento ottico in ambito territoriale: prassi operative e casi studio, 21 e 22 giugno 2016, Palermo


- IV Summerschool "Rilievo e Modellazione 3D", 7-14 June 2015, Paestum Italy

- CIPA Summerschool "Cultural Heritage 3D Surveying & Modeling", 12-19 July 2015, Paestum Italy

- MIMOS Spring School @ Bene - Rilievo e Modellazione 3D per l'Archeologia, 22-29 March 2015 Bene Vagienna (CN), Italy


- Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage Summer School, 21-27 September 2014, Jurilovca, Romania

- CIPA Summerschool "Cultural Heritage 3D Surveying & Modeling", 5-12 July 2014, Paestum Italy

- Corso di perfezionamento in geomatica per la conservazione, 11-12, April 2014, Firenze, Italy

- III Summerschool "Rilievo e Modellazione 3D", 15-21 June 2014, Paestum Italy

- Close Range Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning, 26-28 March 2014, Novi Sad, Serbia


- Int. Workshop on "Reality-based 3D modeling for Cultural Heritage & Archaeological Objects", 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2013, Borobudur (Jogjakarta), Indonesia

- Int. Summerschool on "Drones applied to Cultural Heritage and Archaeology", 20-26 September 2013, Pontignano (Siena), Italy

- II Summerschool "Rilievo e Modellazione 3D", 16-22 June 2013, Paestum Italy


- I Summerschool "Rilievo e Modellazione 3D", 3-8 June 2012, Paestum Italy


- International Summerschool "3D Modeling in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2011", 29 Aug - 3 Sept, Grosseto, Italy

Reviewer of:

- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

- Sensors

- Ocean Engineering

- Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

- Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage

- European Journal of Remote Sensing

- Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation

- Applied Geomatics

- Journal of Biomedical Optics

- Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage

- Movimento Italiano Modellazione e Simulazione (MIMOS)

- Machine Vision and Applications

- Remote Sensing

- Measurements

Go to publications from 2011

PhD Thesis:

Menna, F., 2009: Metodologie e tecniche per la modellazione tridimensionale inversa. Parthenope University - Naples

Previous Publication @ Parthenope University of Naples - Journal Articles:

- Guidi, G., Remondino, F., Russo, M., Menna, F., Rizzi, A., Ercoli, S., 2009: A Multi-Resolution methodology for the 3D modeling of large and complex archaeological areas. International Journal of Architectural Computing, Vol. 7(1), pp. 39-55

- Fiani, M., Menna, F., Troisi, S., 2008: Integrazione di tecniche di fotogrammetria e laser scanning per la modellazione 3d della carena di una imbarcazione. Bollettino della Società Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia n°1 anno 2008, pp39-58, Cagliari

- Menna, F., Troisi, S., 2007: PBTIN: Prismatic Buffered TIN un algoritmo di filtraggio per dati ALS. Bollettino della Società Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia n°1 anno 2007 pp.67-88, Cagliari

Previous Publication @ Parthenope University of Naples - Peer reviewed conference articles

- Menna, F., Nocerino, E., Scamardella, A., 2009: “A hybrid survey method for 3d digital recording of historic ships”, RINA Historic Ships, 19-20 November 2009, London.

- Menna, F., Ackermann, S., Nocerino, E., Scamardella, A., Troisi, S., 2009: ‘Digital photogrammetry: a useful tool for shipbuilding applications’, 13th Congress of Intl. Maritime Assoc. of Mediterranean IMAM 2009, İstanbul, 2009.

- Guidi, G., Remondino, F., Russo, M., Menna, F., Rizzi, A., 2008: 3D modeling of large and complex site using multi-sensor integration and multi-resolution data. Proc. of 9th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST), pp.85-92, Braga, Portugal

- Guidi, G., Remondino, F., Russo, M., Rizzi, A., Voltolini, F., Menna, F., Fassi, F., Ercoli, S., Masci, M.E., Benedetti, B., 2008: A multi-resolution methodology for archeological survey: the Pompeii Forum. Proc. of 14th Int. Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM 2008), pp. 51-59, Limassol, Cyprus

- Ackermann, S., Menna, F., Troisi, S., Scamardella, A., 2008: Digital photogrammetry for high precision 3D measurements in shipbuilding field. 6TH CIRP International Conference on ICME, Intelligent Computation In Manufacturing Engineering, Naples 23-25 July 2008

Previous Publication @ Parthenope University of Naples - Conference articles

- Menna, F., Troisi, S., 2010: ‘Low cost reverse engineering techniques for 3d modelling of propellers’., International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 5 Commission V Symposium, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. 2010

- Guidi, G., Remondino, F., Russo, M., Menna, F., Rizzi, A., Ercoli, S., 2009: ‘Digitizing the Pompeii Forum’, 37th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2009), 22-28 March, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA

- Remondino, F., Menna, F., 2008: Image-based surface measurement for close-range heritage documentation. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVII, part B5-1, pp.199-206, Beijing, China

- Menna, F., Troisi, S., 2007: Photogrammetric 3D modelling of a boat’s hull. VIII Conference on Optical 3D Measurement Techniques – Gruen and Kahmen (Eds), Vol. II, pp. 347-354, July 9-12, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland

- Menna, F., Troisi, S., 2006: Strategie di classificazione di dati laser scanning, Atti del Convegno Nazionale SIFET “Le nuove frontiere della rappresentazione 3D” – 14-16 Giugno 2006, Castellaneta Marina, Italy

- Menna, F., Troisi, S., 2005: Filtraggio dati laser scanning, Atti della 9a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA pp. 1505-1510 – 15-18 Novembre 2005 Catania, Italy